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Институт органической и физической химии им. А. Е. Арбузова

Обособленное структурное подразделение ФГБУН "Федеральный исследовательский центр "Казанский научный центр РАН"

Пресса и ТВ

ПОЗДРАВЛЯЕМ! 07 февраля '25

Академик Арбузов: история одного из самых известных казанских ученых с мировым именем 05 декабря '24

Сюжет на телеканале ТНВ об академике Александре Арбузове.

Супрамолекулярная химия 06 августа '24

Научно-популярный фильм о супрамолекулярной химии.


(Russia) (1955)
Academician, Professor, Doctor of Science
Director of the Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry
of the Russian Academy of Sciences







Professor Alexander Gabibov is a world-renowned Russian scientist, one of the leading experts in the field of molecular biology, biochemistry and catalysis, the modern development of which is closely related to the achievements of synthetic organic chemistry, physical
chemistry, molecular and structural biology.

Alexander Gabibov made a great contribution to the creation of “catalytic vaccines“ capable of binding and destroying organophosphate poisons. Under his leadership, microfluidic technologies have been developed for multiparametric screening of biocatalyst clones based
on antibodies and enzymes that are able to neutralize organophosphorus toxins. So, unlike most scientists who got the Arbuzov Prize for their outstanding contributions to the phosphorus chemistry in synthesis of new compounds, Gabibov’s works have been
devoted to the opposite reactions, i.e., degradation of organophosphorus under biological conditions.

Professor Gabibov’s works have got an international reputation for creative discovery science in a broad spectrum from chemical theory to medical experimentation. He discovered several important mechanisms of action of enzymes associated with antibodies, and
their use in various aspects of biomedicine, including the development of drugs against COVID-19. All research by Alexander Gabibov has been published in international highranking peer-reviewed Journals: Science, Nature, PNAS, etc. He is the author of more than
170 scientific articles and book chapters, the author and co-author of four training courses, Visiting Professor in a number of countries – China, France, Great Britain, USA, etc.


The award of the International Arbuzov Prize to Academician A. G. Gabibov is recognition of his outstanding contribution to the development of biocatalysis as an effective tool for biotransformation of a wide range of organophosphorus compounds in living organisms.