Laboratory of physical-chemical analysis
Laboratory of Physical-Chemical Analysis was created in 2007 on the basis of Analytical Laboratory and Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry. In 2013 the Laboratory of Optical Spectroscopy headed by Prof. Valery Kovalenko since 1996 was attached to them.
Today the Head of the Laboratory is Dr. Il’dar Kh. Rizvanov.

Main research activity
- Solving of the structural-analytical tasks by methods of gas and liquid chromato-mass spectrometry, elemental analysis, gas and liquid chromatography.
- Identification of the components of complex natural and synthetic mixtures by method of high-resolution chromato-mass spectrometry with electron and chemical ionization. Solution of an inverse problem – defining of the structure of compounds proceeding from the elemental composition of ions.
- Development of sensitive methodologies of mass-spectrometric analysis of promising compounds on the basis of fullerenes, calixarenes, noncovalent complexes of metal-organic compounds, etc.
- Development of methodologies of analysis of thermally unstable and high-molecular-weight compounds by means of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.
- Analysis of the reactions in the gas phase of ions of the complex-structure compounds and determining the mechanism of generation of such ions.
- Study of the structure and dynamics of complex molecular systems in condensed state, their phase transformations as well as intermolecular interactions by methods of vibrational, electronic spectroscopy and quantum chemistry.
- Conformational analysis based on spectral experiments in a wide range of conditions as well as theoretical modeling of molecular structures, computations of their energies, spectral and thermodynamic features.
- Study of the vibrational spectra of phosphorus containing dendrimers.
- Spectral investigations of features of hydrogen bonds and their influence on the structure and properties of calixarenes, analysis of the potential container properties of calixarenes and organophosphorus dendrimers.
- Theoretical study of higher fullerenes stability.