Valerii Kukhar (Ukraine) (1942) Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Director of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry, NASU |
Professor Valery Kukhar is a world-known scientist. The main field of his scientific interest is bioorganic chemistry and fine organic synthesis of fluorine and phosphorus analogs of natural compounds, phosphorus containing amino acids as well chemical and technological aspects of environment protection, asymmetric synthesis. Since the beginning of his career, he is successfully continuing the way of fathers in phosphorus chemistry like Arbuzovs, Kirsanov, Kabachnik or Michalski and his impact on the development of phosphorus chemistry is enormous: phosphorus derivatives of a-chloroalkylamines, chlorophosphazopolychloroalkanes, phosphoruscontaining halogenoylides, aminophosphorous acids, asymmetric synthesis, bio-active compounds.
Valery Kukhar is being a leader in phosphorus chemistry for many years and has a distinguished publication record. He is the author of more 600 papers and about 20 review articles in refereed journals as well co-author of 6 monographs. His major achievement in phosphorus chemistry is a fundamentalbook "Aminophosphonic and Aminophosphinic Acids. Chemistry and BiologicalActivity" (in English) published in co-authorship with Harry Hudson.
Valerii Kukhar is the laureate of different prizes including A.Kiprianov Award of NASU, State Award in Science & Technology (Ukraine), San-Valentine Award, World Federation of Scientists, and Memorable Medal “In Memory of Academician N.M. Emanuel”. In different years he was the President of Ukrainian MAB Committee (UNESCO), President of Ukrainian Chemical Society, and Member of various scientific commissions of NASU, Chairman of Committee on Nuclear Policy and Ecological Safety for President of Ukraine, Member of the Safety Review Group - EBRD, Nuclear Department, and Member of the World Federation of Scientists etc.