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Институт органической и физической химии им. А. Е. Арбузова

Обособленное структурное подразделение ФГБУН "Федеральный исследовательский центр "Казанский научный центр РАН"


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On November 4, 2018 the 115th anniversary of Academician Boris Aleksandrovich Arbuzov will be celebrated. The Memorial Conference "Dynamic Processes in the Chemistry of Organoelement Compounds" is devoted to this date.
Boris Arbuzov began his scientific activity under the guidance of his father, Academician Alexander Arbuzov. Together with Alexander Arbuzov and independently, Boris Arbuzov discovered and studied many new classes of organic compounds of phosphorus, as well as new types of sulfur, selenium, tin, and silicon-containing compounds.
A special aspect of the scientific creativity of the scientist is the application of physical and physico-chemical methods in chemical research. Boris Arbuzov is the founder in the USSR and one of the pioneers of world studies of conformational analysis of organic and organoelement compounds.
Boris Arbuzov carried out important studies on the chemistry of organophosphorus compounds: he proposed a new method for obtaining free radicals of triphenylmethyl derivatives, expanded the scope of application of the Arbuzov reaction, studied the reactions of trivalent phosphorus with a wide range of organic compounds, which led to the creation of a new type of organophosphorus compounds - biologically active substances, which later became highly effective drugs.
Boris Arbuzov became the first director of the Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry from the time of its formation in 1965 till 1971.